Sunday, November 14, 2010

“Aung San Suu Kyi’s release offers hope to the people of Burma, who face uncertain times following the 7 November elections. She is a global symbol of moral courage and we wish her strength and health as she makes her own transition from such a long period under house arrest.
“We are of course absolutely delighted that she is free, and stand ready to assist her and the people of Burma in any way that we can.”

Desmond Tutu

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

According to a Ninth Century Tibetan prophecy,'When the ironbird flies, the Dharma (Buddhist teachings)will go east, to the land of the Red man.' According to a Hopi prophecy,Phahana, a true spiritual being whose name is derived from salt water, would come from the east. He is the Sun Clan brother, whose return would mark the completion of a millenium-long ritual. The name Dalai Lama means 'teacher who is an ocean of wisdom.'